Professional graduate study Entrepreneurship in tourism can be enrolled by a person who has completed a corresponding undergraduate professional or university study in the field of social sciences, the field of economics lasting at least three years and having acquired at least 180 ECTS points.
Students who have completed non-excellent undergraduate professional or university studies in the field of social sciences where they have earned at least 180 ECTS points can enroll in the professional diploma course Entrepreneurship in Tourism with the obligation to take distinctive courses in accordance with the decision of the Polytechnic Council.
Professional or academic title or academic degree obtained upon completion of studies: master’s degree in entrepreneurship in tourism, (mag.oec.) 7 degree.
Competences acquired by the completion of study modules and studies
Upon completion of the professional graduate study “Entrepreneurship in Tourism”, the student acquires the necessary competencies for:
- starting and carrying out entrepreneurial activities in tourism
- flexibility in working with people
- the ability to take risks necessary for undertaking entrepreneurial ventures
- adoption of ethical principles of socially responsible business
- dealing with business clients
- written and oral communication using a foreign language
- management of the organization on the tourist market by applying modern tourist trends
- risk assessment for launching investment projects in tourism
- application of information sources and systems
- financial analysis and assessment of the success of business ventures
- development of existing or creation of new tourist products and/or services
- application of the principles of sustainable development in the planning of entrepreneurial projects
- creating an offer of specific forms of tourism
- application of legal regulations that regulate tourism in the Republic of Croatia
- self-employment in tourism
- continuing education and training
List of compulsory and optional courses with an indication of the load in ECTS points, form of teaching, course content and planned learning outcomes
I semester
Courses | Lectures | Excercise | Seminars | Status | ECTS |
The beginning of tourism | 30 | 0 | 30 | C | 6 |
Entrepreneurship | 30 | 0 | 30 | C | 6 |
Business accounting | 30 | 30 | 0 | C | 5 |
Corporate social responsibility | 30 | 0 | 30 | C | 5 |
Business English in tourism I | 30 | 30 | 0 | C | 5 |
Business German language in tourism I | 15 | 0 | 15 | O | 3 |
Business Italian language in tourism I | 15 | 0 | 15 | O | 3 |
II semester
Course | Lectures | Excercise | Seminars | Status | ECTS |
Natural and cultural heritage in the function of tourism development | 30 | 0 | 15 | C | 5 |
Management of tourist facilities | 30 | 0
C | 4 |
Quality management in tourism | 30 | 15 | 0 | C | 4 |
Business finance in tourism | 30 | 30 | 0 | C | 5 |
Digitization in tourism | 30 | 30 | 0 | C | 5 |
Business English in tourism II | 15 | 15 | 0 | C | 4 |
Procurement management in tourism | 15 | 0 | 15 | O | 3 |
Eno – gastro tourism | 15 | 0 | 15 | O | 3 |
Business German in tourism II | 15 | 0 | 15 | O | 3 |
Business Italian language in tourism II | 15 | 0 | 15 | O | 3 |
*student chooses one optional/elective course
III semester
Course | Lectures | Excercise | Seminars | Status | ECTS | |
Quantitative and qualitative methods for economic analysis | 30 | 0 | 30 | C | 5 | |
Environmental economics | 30 | 0 | 15 | C | 4 | |
Integrated marketing communication in tourism | 30 | 15 | 0 | C | 3 | |
Human resource management | 30 | 0 | 15 | C | 4 | |
Sales in tourism | 30 | 0 | 15 | C | 4 | |
Legal regulation in tourism | 30 | 0 | 15 | C | 3 | |
Family tourism | 30 | 0 | 15 | C | 4 | |
Hotel business | 15 | 0 | 15 | O | 3 | |
Website design | 15 | 15 | 0 | O | 3 |
*student chooses one optional/elective course
IV semester
Course | Lectures | Excercise | Seminars | Status | ECTS |
Tourist destination management | 30 | 15 | 0 | C | 5 |
Special forms of tourism | 30 | 0 | 15 | C | 4 |
Business of tourist intermediaries | 15 | 0 | 15 | O | 3 |
Experience tourism | 15 | 15 | 0 | O | 3 |
Professional practice | 0 | 300 | 0 | C | 10 |
Final work | 0 | 0 | 120 | C | 8 |
*student chooses one optional/elective course
Based on Art. 26. of the Statute of the Polytechnic “Nikola Tesla” in Gospić from October 30, 2023 (CLASS: 003-05/23-01/01, ID number: 2125/61-23-01-5), the Council of the Polytechnic “Nikola Tesla” in Gospić, at its 362nd session held on May 15, 2024, adopts
Professional graduate study
the academic year begins on October 21, 2024, and ends on September 30, 2025.
Start of classes
October 21 (Monday) 2024. year.
Christmas and New Year holidays
from December 23 (monday) 2024. until January 6 (monday) 2025. year.
End of classes
February 1 (saturday) 2025. year.
Start of classes
March 3 (Monday) 2025. year.
End of classes
June 14 (Saturday) 2025. year.
Regular winter exam period
From February 3 (Monday) until March 1 (Saturday) 2025. year.
Regular summer exam period
From June 16 (Monday) until July 12 (saturday) 2025. year.
Regular autumn exam period
From September 1 (Monday) until September 27 (Monday) 2025. year.
For Council of
Polytechnic „Nikola Tesla“ in Gospić
Assistant Professor, Vlatka Ružić, PhD, Professor of Professional Study
Based on Art. 26. of the Statute of the Polytechnic “Nikola Tesla” in Gospić from October 30, 2023 (CLASS: 003-05/23-01/01, ID number: 2125/61-23-01-5), the Council of the Polytechnic “Nikola Tesla” in Gospić, at its 361st session held on May 13, 2024, adopts
for the enrollment of students in the first year of the professional graduate study Entrepreneurship in Tourism in the academic year 2024/2025.
Name: professional graduate study Entrepreneurship in tourism
Professional title to be acquired: master’s degree/master’s degree in economics, with the abbreviation: mag. oec.
Duration: 2 years, 4 semesters
The study brings 120 ECTS points
Enrollment quotas:
Order. number | Study name/
place of study |
Number of enrollment places | Total
enrollment quota |
Regular students | Part-time students | |||
1. | 57 / 5,000 Professional graduate study Entrepreneurship in tourism / Gospić | 15 | 35 | 50 |
Total | 15 | 35 | 50 |
2.1. Professional graduate study Entrepreneurship in tourism can be enrolled by a person who has completed a corresponding undergraduate professional or university study in the field of social sciences, the field of economics lasting at least three years and having acquired at least 180 ECTS points.
2..2. Candidates who have completed non-excellent undergraduate professional or university studies in the field of social sciences where they have obtained at least 180 ECTS points can enroll in the professional diploma course Entrepreneurship in Tourism with the obligation to take distinctive courses in accordance with the decision of the Polytechnic Council.
Different content is enrolled and passed in the first year of study.
Different content:
- Macroeconomics
- Microeconomics
- Basics of management
- Basics of marketing
Candidates register their interest in the enrollment process electronically on the website of the “Nikola Tesla” Polytechnic in Gospić. ( in period from July 1 2024. Until October 4. 2024. year.
Applications are submitted via e-application form.
The following documents must be attached to the application:
- diploma
- Diploma Supplement
- proof of payment of the costs of the classification procedure
- a decision on the recognition of a foreign educational qualification (candidates who completed their undergraduate studies abroad)
- proof of work in the tourism/entrepreneurship system (for part-time students)
The scoring method on the basis of which the candidates are ranked is as follows:
- average grade of all passed exams of completed undergraduate studies – 100% (full-time study), 90% (part-time study)
- candidates from the tourism and entrepreneurship system (extraordinary studies) with the submission of proof of work in the tourism system earn 10% on the achieved grade point average.
The right to enroll is acquired by applicants according to the success list.
Foreign citizens also have the right to enroll within the enrollment quota.
The list of successful applicants will be published on the bulletin board and the website of the Polytechnic “Nikola Tesla” in Gospić. October 10, 2024.
An appeal procedure on the Success List is possible October 11, 2024.
Registration for the first year will be held on Monday October 14 2024. Enrollment will be done on the basis of achieved success on the success list.
Applicants who have exercised their right to enroll, but have not enrolled within the prescribed period, lose their right to enroll.
Enrollment to all study programs is carried out online or in person (“Nikola Tesla” Polytechnic in Gospić, Ulica bana Ivana Karlovića 16, Gospić) and according to the dates published in the Competition and instructions that will be published later on the Polytechnic’s website.
Candidates who will enroll online are required to submit all necessary documentation in electronic form to the following e-mail address:, and in the same way they will receive a certificate of successful enrollment in the study program.
Payment information and enrollment forms will be available on the website of the Polytechnic,
Applicants who have exercised their right to enroll, but have not enrolled within the prescribed period, lose their right to enroll, whereby the “line” is lowered by the number of unenrolled candidates.
Applicants can get more detailed information and information about studies and student enrollment in the student office at phone no. 053/652-310, and on the website of the Polytechnic
For Council of
Polytechnic „Nikola Tesla“ in Gospić
Assistant Professor PhD Vlatka Ružić, Professor of Professional Study